Happy National Intern Day from ChathamU!
July 28 is National Intern Day! Launched in 2017, National Intern Day gives employers the chance to commemorate and thank their hardworking interns, while bringing attention to the challenges and opportunities faced by entry-level candidates. At Chatham, internships hold a special place as a stepping stone to future careers and job experience, both on campus and in the workforce. In honor of National Intern Day, we’ve collected some of our favorite Pulse@ChathamU articles about Intern Life— from tips & tricks to student profiles and more! Want to get a head start on this year’s internship opportunities? Make sure you connect with the Office of Career Development + follow them on Instagram and Twitter!
Internship Success Stories:
Elena Woodworth ‘21 during her internship in Panama
Students Shine as World-Ready Interns - Internships abroad? Yes, please! Read all about real Chatham students’ experiences taking their passion for travel to the next level with international internships to London, Panama, and Aix-en-Provence.
Summer Internships in the Time of COVID-19 and Meaningful Internships in the Time of COVID-19: Though COVID-19 restrictions may have eased since Summer 2020 and Spring 2021 when these articles were first written, the way we work has indelibly changed because of it— from hybrid offices to Zoom call collaborations and more. Learn the lessons these plucky pandemic interns lived first-hand!
Student Profiles:
Liam Rubright ‘20, posing in the Penguins equipment room during his internship
From learning how a typical office ticks to positioning yourself right where you want to be in your field, Chatham students are racking up relevant job experience! We have almost too many Student Profiles detailing exciting internships to list here, so we’ve linked just a few of our favorites, like Hannah Blinn, MSUS ‘19 whose internship turned into a thesis topic that turned into a job offer! Or Liam Rubright ‘20, a major hockey fan who scored his dream internship with the Pittsburgh Penguins. And then there’s Christopher Brinkley ‘22, one of our first students to graduate from our Immersive Media Program, who interned at NASA this year. The sky is the limit to what you can do for an internship, and where it may lead!
Tips and Tricks:
Laughlin Music Hall, home to the office of Career Development
Much Better Tips for a Successful Internship - Hard-hitting tips for acing your first internship, including how to craft a professional persona, take initiative, and network, network, network!
Five Tips for Landing the Internship of Your Dreams - Originally assembled to prepare students for the Office of Career Development’s bi-annual Internship Mixer, these tips are timeless resources, especially when you’ve got a networking event on the horizon.
10 To-Do's to Land the Job of Your Dreams - Speaking of networking events, this article gives you a “Before, During, and After” approach to ensure you’re prepped for success, make the most of your time in the room with potential employers, and do the crucial follow-through after the initial networking is done.