An intern at NASA. A grand prix racecar driver. Ground-breaking programs. Life-changing friendships. These are just some of the stories we feature here on Pulse.

Discover them all—

Pride in the Archives
Mission and Values Irina Bucur Mission and Values Irina Bucur

Pride in the Archives

We couldn’t let Pride go by without cheering on the stories of our LGBTQIA+ students, both present and past. Here are a few items from Chatham’s student newspaper over the years that offer a glimpse into our LGBTQIA+ legacy, and are part of what our archivist, Molly Tighe, calls an “ongoing discovery.”

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Resources for Juneteenth 2021
Mission and Values Chatham University Mission and Values Chatham University

Resources for Juneteenth 2021

June 19th marks Juneteenth, the anniversary of June 19, 1865, the day that enslaved African Americans learned they had been freed and the Civil War had ended. Pittsburgh is hosting a wide range of celebration events throughout the city, including music festivals, parades, and visual art fairs. Click to view a list of events and resources.

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Living More Like Rachel
Mission and Values Chloe Bell Mission and Values Chloe Bell

Living More Like Rachel

As an advocate for our environment who seamlessly blended the liberal arts & sciences throughout her life, Rachel Carson has long been Chatham’s all-star alumna. This year, in honor of Rachel’s birthday on May 27th, we’re looking at some of her wise and timeless musings to see how we can better live like Rachel in our everyday lives.

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Find the Tools to Thrive this Summer
Mission and Values Chloe Bell Mission and Values Chloe Bell

Find the Tools to Thrive this Summer

May is Mental Health Awareness Month (MHAM)! As the days get warmer, brighter, and freer, it might feel a little bit easier to prioritize and support your mental wellbeing through activities, rituals, and personal growth. The theme of this year’s MHAM is finding the tools to thrive; join us as we explore some of our faves.

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Biking in Pittsburgh with Carrie Tippen and Mike Boyd
Mission and Values Chloe Bell Mission and Values Chloe Bell

Biking in Pittsburgh with Carrie Tippen and Mike Boyd

May is National Bike Month and we’re celebrating with two of Chatham’s most avid cyclists, Assistant Professor of English, Dr. Carrie Tippen and Associate Professor of Music, Dr. Mike Boyd. Both Tippen and Boyd are seasoned Pittsburgh cyclists who know the rules of the road—if you’re just getting your feet wet with cycling or looking for some helpful trail recs, read on!

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How to Start Your Own Home Garden
Mission and Values Chloe Bell Mission and Values Chloe Bell

How to Start Your Own Home Garden

Though it may be slow to show itself this year, summer is on the way! If you’re looking to hone a new and wildly useful skillset during the warmer months, check out our handy guide to growing your own home (or community) garden, complete with common questions, conundrums, and tips from EHC Farm worker and Master of Food Studies student, Josie Martin.

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