An intern at NASA. A grand prix racecar driver. Ground-breaking programs. Life-changing friendships. These are just some of the stories we feature here on Pulse.

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The Emerging Black Writers-in-Residence Program
Academics, Mission and Values Chatham University Academics, Mission and Values Chatham University

The Emerging Black Writers-in-Residence Program

From an alumni-led movement to address gaps in diversity, Chatham MFA in Creative Writing created the Emerging Black Writers-in-Residence Program, a space for Black writers to feel their talents are valued and honored while also receiving personalized experience in teaching and mentorship. Read on for more about the program and for an interview with Emerging Black Writer-in-Residence Caitlyn Hunter MFACW ’15.

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"It's a joy to feel like you're making a difference"—Chatham's Partnership with the Oasis Project
Mission and Values Chatham University Mission and Values Chatham University

"It's a joy to feel like you're making a difference"—Chatham's Partnership with the Oasis Project

Chatham University and the Oasis Project, the community and economic development division of Bible Center Church, have been partnered for a number of years on different collaborations. The latest of such projects center around our Falk School of Sustainability. Read on for an overview of some of the ways that the Oasis Project and Chatham University are working together for a brighter, healthier tomorrow.

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Getting a Little Creative— A New Intergenerational Living Partnership between Chatham and Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Mission and Values Chatham University Mission and Values Chatham University

Getting a Little Creative— A New Intergenerational Living Partnership between Chatham and Vincentian Schenley Gardens

Chatham’s new intergenerational living partnership with Vincentian Schenley Gardens gives health science students the opportunity to live alongside residents in an assisted care facility. In exchange for low monthly rent, students spend time with residents and offer activities that include everything from classes and outings to tech assistance and news curation.

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Mission Meets Margin— Paul Lim, MBA ’06
Alumni Success, Mission and Values Chatham University Alumni Success, Mission and Values Chatham University

Mission Meets Margin— Paul Lim, MBA ’06

When Wheeling Hospital merged with WVU Medicine, Paul Lim MBA ’06 stepped up to the plate as the inaugural Vice-President for Mission Integration, ensuring the hospital retains its Catholic identity while balancing the business side of the hospital with the surrounding community’s needs. Read on to see how Chatham’s specialized MBA program gave him the tools to keep it all aligned.

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